Thursday 4 September 2014


The thought of moving back to the UK is quite daunting. That means I need to pack all my 15 years back into boxes, get them shipped back, meet all my lovely Roman friends one last time, run a lot, and head back to London and hunt for jobs. Oh the joy.

And i also need to pack my things depending on what my living situation will be. Will I have everything with me as soon as I land in London? Will I need to store my items somewhere first? If so, what should I bring and pack with me that will keep me entertain for the time while I am looking for a place. Will I be able to afford everything? What if I don't find a job.

But, to calm myself, I have put together a list of things, that I will be able to do, mostly for free, in the time that I am trying to sort my life out again, transitioning from Rome to London.

- Quilting. I cannot explain my excitement when there were lots of material and swatch samples being thrown up, and I just happen to be there to see this happening. Naturally, I went through all these boxes, and picked out quite a few (or a lot...) or swatches which I am intending to do lots of things with and spend a lot of time on. Yay for free activities!

- Picture framing. This, will not be free as I am no carpenter and therefore not good with wood. But I do have a lot of my lovely mum's chinese calligraphy that I am intending to frame up finally. Her calligraphy is so so so beautiful.

- Other pictures framing. Apart from swatches, there were also lots of colour cards thrown out, which, I thought could make quite a nice wall hanging. How the assemble will go, I have yet to decide on a design.

- Even more pictures framing. Ok, I realise this whole framing thing will cost me a lot, but no harm in preparing works that I can frame later on, when I have money. Embroidery, more quilting but on a smaller scale, knitting, even drawing! Not to sound narcissistic but I have a few ideas that I think would look quite nice, given that I can do them properly, as wall hangings.

- Read. Oh em gee. So many books. Fault in our stars (thanks Jazz!), so many Murakami books. More running books. (Actually, that is quite a limited collection. Anyone got any suggestions?

- Oh yea, my portfolio. I need to prepare that. Fun. No, really, fun.

- Jewllry. I realise that I had been quite magpie-like and had been so obsessed with all these sparkly beads and things in the last year or so and made an absurd amount of jewllery. However, I have such a huge amount of these gold hoops that, actually, instead of using them as components of the necklace, I will make them the star of it. Ideas brewing in my head.

- Back to reading, been very keen to read through some chinese books that I have. ESPECIALLY the writing of University, and the writing of interpretation of the writing. It will be a hard read as the language is not modern, but I know I will enjoy it. Thanks dad for lending me the book. Promise I will read it.

- And on the topic of chinese, I am also intending to carry on writing this little dream novel that I have. For those of you unaware of the concept, dream novels are fan writings, where the fan include themselves into the story and therefore it is like it's happening to you. I did this with Prince of Tennis back when I was 17, I wrote up to 60 pages of chinese back then actually. Having re-read it many times in my adulthood and laughing and cringing, I have decided to revise it to make it more logical, and therefore also practising my written chinese, to make sure it never goes rusty!

- And finally, knit and run and draw, and eat.

I am so happy that I will probably finally be able to join the crew fam out in east for Tuesday session, and all the knitting. I cannot wait to finally use my knitting machine again. It has been 6 months and I have not felt like myself since the day I packed you away. Oh and I need to de-dent you a little. Friggin' moving companies.

So I think I will be quite entertained for a while...


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