Tuesday 26 August 2014

First post test

It has been such a long time since I wrote a blog post. This blog will mostly serve with the purpose of me writing and expressing myself. I don't really think my life is very interesting and don't really expect anyone to be interested about it. This blog is not a platform for me to show off my life (as I have nothing to show off about). I am more keen to write again.
I have enjoyed writing since an early age and I used to write in chinese. Then after I moved country I started exploring my options with all the english vocabs available to me. I wrote short stories, long stories, fictions, fan fictions, scripts. All sorts. At one point, I really wanted to become a writer or a playwright.
Then I got distracted with art and design.
In my opinion, literature and design goes hand in hand. They have influenced each other since the time began but for me, literature is more for reading.
Because I have found another outlet for self expression I have slowly shifting my attention solely to drawing and making and don't write anymore.
I have picked up my pen a few times to write some diary entries here and there, or that I have wrote letters for my family and friends, or very short essays, just to keep the fluency of my writing skills, mostly with my chinese (I do not want to become one of those that forget how to read or write chinese just because I have been living overseas)
Having a blog will allow me to pick up my virtual pen again and write more freely, without worrying about my terrible handwriting which leads to essays never to be read again. 
I understand the internet is a place as anonymous as you want it to be, and I am not very anonymous. People will know what I wrote and will judge and comment on what I write. So I want to say in advance that these are some very personal thoughts that I do share, solely based on the fact that I hope it will only be mostly my friends who read this and therefore will overlook some contents as my personality flaws and not judge me by it.
Also, I hate proof reading. This is a blog, not my thesis. I will make mistakes, mostly grammatical mistakes as that has never been my strong point, but I just want to type these words as they flow into my mind freely and not have to worry about going back on my thoughts and checking on every single small details.

I look forward to filling this blog with words and sometimes photos of knits and runs.

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