It is now a quarter way through 2015. And has been quite a while since I last updated my blog, so I thought I would use this opportunity to review how my year has been so far.I went into 2015 carrying some negative weight from 2014.
I have moved back from Rome for a couple of months, unable to find any work. I was crashing at my then-boyfriend’s place, hopelessly trying to find a new flat to move into that is affordable and in the area I wanted to be in. I was losing motivation to do any exercise and running and I had to rely solely on those around me and their energy to carry me through any physical work.
And then I broke up with my boyfriend of 3 years, and I moved flat the day after. This was two weeks before going into 2015.
So needlessly to say, 2015 didn’t have the best start. Or so I thought.1st of January, I was called last minute to fill a spot for the new year’s day serpentine 10k in Hyde Park, followed by a lovely pub lunch with Sarah and all the others, proving that I was never completely alone.
I share my new flat with two girls and although we have different time schedule and professions and lifestyle, we bond extremely well and I am happy that I have found this new little nest for myself.
After regaining my running motivation again, I have done some races, some track madness, and other incredible group runs, even done my first ever pacing duty, fuelled by nothing but amazing laughter and love. I met and made new friends, I strengthen a lot of my friendship that I have neglected during that time I was with someone. I revisited old friendships that I might have forgotten and have put on the back burner.
Thanks for Claire, she has warmly included me into her life and has gave me so much of her time, to teach me the one thing I have always put off - cycling. Three sessions in and I am crossing bridges and screaming around a roundabout.
I gained my confidence again back in the pool, thanks to Ash and seeing his and all the other’s courage with taking on an amazing challenge. I don’t think there was another time in the last few years that I am feeling as alive as I feel currently.
Through RDC, I have met people who have given me so much opportunities regarding work, and those always on the lookout for me.
Like I have previously mentioned so many times, there has been no other time I needed this crew love more and I have found it right where I was standing. It has always been there, I have just never really opened up myself completely to be emerged into it.I am still looking to better my work and career. There is still a lot to do, but hopefully I am moving in the right direction.
There had been so much doubts coming into 2015 but from where I am standing right now, I am pretty chuffed about it all.
2015, I have many more hopes and dreams that I would like them to be recognised, but to be honest, I should just be thankful for where I am at and who I have by my sides already.
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